Thank you for your interest in volunteering. Sign-up online or email us and let us know of your interest in volunteering.
Food Cupboard Volunteer Sign-up
Food Cupboard: email [email protected].
Friends of Returning Citizens: Email us at [email protected].
Christmas Adopt-a-Family: Email us at [email protected].
PB+J with Love Snack Sacks: Sign-Up.
Monthly meal at Advent House: Sign-Up.
Cristo Rey Community Center: Volunteer
Meals at Loaves & Fishes Ministries: Sign-Up.
MSU International Support: Email us at [email protected].
College-age and older members of the parish always are welcome to attend our twice monthly St. Vincent de Paul Society meetings. We gather to pray, share and plan on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. Meetings start at 7:00pm in room 16 at St. John Church.
Questions? Call or text Chuck Roboski: 517-281-4372.
Friday evening volunteers are needed for packaging for the Food Cupboard. Families with young children are most welcome to sign up.