ELCC May Marian Devotion (May 1 – 20)
Our May Marian Devotion will focus on 20 titles of the Blessed Mother (per the Litany of the BVM) and all 20 Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. There will also be a 3pm Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesday, May 13 - the Memorial of Our Lady of Fatima, as a mid-point celebration.
Here are the daily meditations and format:
20 Titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Daily Meditations
Each of these titles is tied to a Mystery of the Holy Rosary [20 days / 20 mysteries].
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary (a.k.a., The Litany of Loreto). The many titles of Our Lady remind us why she is Queen of Heaven and of Earth!
Daily Novena Format