PB+J with Love Snack Sacks
On behalf of the St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. John Church, we invite you to help prepare “PB+J with Love Snack Sacks,” a ministry serving homeless in the Lansing area. Sign up now.
This ministry will provide 50 nutritious snack sacks for homeless men and women who visit Advent House Ministries in Lansing for their Tuesday lunch. For many of these neighbors, the snack sack likely will be the only food they may have until lunch or dinner the following day.
Each Monday evening members of the parish (individuals, groups of friends, or families) will take turns preparing 50 snack sacks for distribution at Advent House on Tuesday mornings. The St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. John, funded by contributions from parishioners, will provide the items needed for the snack sacks and will deliver them to Advent House.
How the program works:
Thank you for helping our neighbors in need.
God bless,
Sue Nelson, SVdPS Member and PB+J with Love Snack Sacks Coordinator
Care to deliver the snack sacks on Tuesday mornings? We would like to have a group of volunteers who could take turns delivering the assembled snack sacks on Tuesday mornings, picking up from St. John between 9 and 9:30 and delivering to Advent House (743 N. Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Lansing, MI 48915). Sign up now. Delivery instructions will be provided on the inside of the tubs.